
Showing posts from December, 2024

Please support a career change

  It's time for a career change. I have been in the IT industry since 2003 and really don't have much to show for it except a mental condition. I recently started a new job and while it's a great company with great coworkers, I feel I need time out of the IT industry to reset and recharge. Now, I know what you're thinking. This guy just wants to sit on his ass all day and play video games, but it's not true. I've been a registered UBER driver for 10 years now. I've done it on and off when expenses were tight over the years, but I want to do it full time. Why drive, you ask? Well, by nature I'm extroverted, so I enjoy talking to people. UBER gives me the chance to socialize with people I might not normally interact with, and that can be a fun experience. I once met a boat worker that I spent 1 1/2 hours driving to a marina so he could grab a ferry home. It was a long car ride, but it was interesting to learn about his profession. With IT, I've become ...